Telegram Messenger Since last year (after September 2015) when TelegrIAS Messenger launched it's new feature called Telegram Channel, It has became great social media tool for students , those who are preparing for various competitive exams like IAS ,IPS and other UPSC's exams , and IBPS , PO etc. Features of Telegram Channels Every one can create Telegram Channels with unique username (public channel) or unique link (private channel) and everyone can join these channels if you have username or link address of channel. Some features of telegram channels are- 1- You can share everything like PDFs, Documents, Images , videos etc. 2- You can send files up to 1.5 GB 3- Every files you have shared will be stored in your channel as long as your channel exist. 4- Those members who are subscribed to your channel can access files that you have shared . 5- The benefits of telegram channel is that thousands of members can access your files and documents from y...
Know everything about Telegram messenger. A Guide for beginner . Tips and Tricks about Telegram messenger.Increase your members in Telegram channels or Groups, Advertise your Telegram channels or Groups , advertise and share your new Website or Social Media and get more traffic , increase your subsribers and view in Youtube channel. Advertise everything in our Telegram channels. Contact @ucant on Telegram.